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ENVS 4100/4400

Key Journal Collections for Natural Sciences

Below are the Natural Science journal collections to be found within the databases. The journals in the collections are also listed in our Periodicals List.
ACS Publications: American Chemical Society Online
More than 40+ peer reviewed scholarly journals in Chemistry and related disciplines; full text coverage back to 1879. Access to ACS content available only via ACS and SciFinder (Log-in required).

Elsevier [ScienceDirect]
1,800+ Peer-reviewed scholarly journals in the physical, social, and health sciences. Full-text content dating back to 1995.

Springer [SpringerLink]
SpringerLink is an online journal package containing 2,400+ academic journals; subject range is primarily in Science, Technology, and Medicine.

Taylor and Francis Online
1,300+ academic research journals; cross-discipline subjects range from Agriculture to Urban Studies; by Taylor & Francis Publishing.

What is Periodicals List

The Periodicals List is an electronic searchable database of all the current periodicals we subscribe to at HPU Libraries.  The list is useful if you have a specific title and need to check if HPU libraries has it in print or electronically. 

Link Resolver (Find It!)

Find It! is the Libraries' "link resolver;" it links an article citation to the full-text of the article, if available.  When you see the Find It! button near a citation in an online database, simply click on it. The HPU Discovery menu page will open and indicate whether full text is available, and if so, provide a link to the article. If not, you may request the article via Interlibrary Loan.

Ulrichs Web Global Serials Directory


Use Ulrichs Web to search and browse periodical information on more than 300,000 periodicals covering 900+ subject areas.

Go to Ulrichs Web Global Serials Directory

How to Search by Title?

 Go to "Periodicals List", type the title of a journal into the search box, and click "Search".


How to Search by Article?

Go to "Periodicals List", click "Articles", type the title of an article and publication into the search boxes, and click "Search." Click the link for the Journal (if provided) to open/view the full text article.

How to Browse by Collections/eBooks/Journals?

Click "Browse" then click on the first letter of a journal to browse Journals,and click on the journal title.