1. Find a partner
2. Click the link above
3. Go to the slide matching your group number
(e.g. Group 1 goes to slide 1)
4. Working with your partner, drag & drop the images to reflect the order of your research process
1. Click the link above
2. Go to the assigned section (Primary, Secondary, or Scholarly, Trade, & Popular Sources)
3. Read the directions of the activity
4. Drag & drop the images to the correct spot or type the sources in the corresponding columns.
(Complete watching these before the Library Session)
Deconstruct your assignment: Create a checklist & take research notes.
-Due dates, source requirements, citation styles, length/types of project, keywords, etc.
-Research notes using Google Docs, EverNote, Zotero, etc.
-Understand the nature of Information. What is;
--Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary?
--Scholarly sources?
--Peer-reviewed articles?
--Find a topic that interests you
--State your topic as a question
(e.g."How do pH and temperature affect enzyme activity on apple?" )
--Identify the main concepts and keywords
(e.g."How do pH and temperatureaffect enzyme activityonapple?" )
--Find an overview/background of a topic
--Find additional useful sources listed in the Bibliography
--Identify more keywords (or subject terms) on your topic:
Synonyms, Broader & Narrower, related, or variant terms
Develop your Search Strategy
-Do a trial database search in ASC (Academic Search Complete) using a few of the key terms for your topic
-Review the first few articles and focus on and identify the subject terms used for your further search
-Build a search statement by using Boolean operators (AND, NOT, OR) and modifiers like quotations and wildcards (* ?)
-Access the needed information: choose appropriate databases/resources
--Use HPU Discovery to find books, articles, videos, and other library materials
--Use Databases to find articles (journals, magazines, news, reports, books reviews, etc.)
--Use Google Scholars & other websites:
Manage & Organize Gathered Information
-It allows you to know where you have been, where you are, and where you are going on the research journey.
-Use Google Docs to take Research Notes.
-Use a citation management tool: Zotero, EndNote (EndNote Basic), and Mendeley to help you stay organized, take notes, and cite your literature review.
Read and Evaluate what you found:
-Read your sources and take notes
-Review your results
-Keep track of what your are finding
-Revise/refine your search as necessary