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Before conducting a search, It is recommended to set up your "preferences" such as remove duplicates, select the default starting page, etc.
Design and formulate a keyword search query. Select the appropriate answer candidates and refine the results later to identify the most relevant references.
*Search Strategy: Identify the main concepts, start with a broad search of 2-3 concepts and refine later with additional concepts. (Search the singular form of words as SciFinder performs an automatic plural search)
Click on a title to view the "Reference Detail" or click "Quick View" to view the summary of an article. A selected article(s) can be saved in to the folder named "SciPlanner".
If you would like to identify "influential authors/institutions" or " the most frequently cited references (articles)" on a research topic, click on the "Citing References" to sort the results. You can analyze the results by Author Name, CAS Registry Number, CA Section Title, Company Organization, Database, Document Type, etc.
You can also refine the answer set (results) by Research Topic, Author, Company Name, Document Type, Publication Year, Language, Database. You can further catagorize the results by Heading, Catagory, Index Terms, or Selected Terms.
To save a citation of an article, click on "Export". When choosing the Export option, select "Citation export format (*.ris)". To learn more about exporting a citation, click here.
Click on "Create Keep Me Posted Alert" to set up an alert if you would like to be notified when new research is updated.
Note: You can use the same process to create "Keep Me Posted" for other topics.
(Create a SciFinder Account)