You can use EndNote Basic to format a quick, standalone bibliography. Follow the instructions on this page to learn how.
If you want to use EndNote Basic to format in-text citations in Word documents, you will need to use the Cite While You Write plugin that works with Word.
Before using Cite While You Write, it may be a good idea to run a quick standalone bibliography containing all of the references you are planning to use. Then, you may correct/complete any inaccurate/missing information, and ensure that your references will be properly formatted.
If this is your first time formatting a bibliography, you will need to set up your citation styles.
1. Click on the Format tab. You should be in the Bibliography sub-tab.
2. For References, select the desired group. If you want to format a single reference, but did not put it in a group, you may select [Unfiled].
3. For Bibliographic style, if this is your first time, click on Select Favorites.
4. In the left column find your desired citation style(s) and click on Copy to Favorites. You may select multiple styles by holding down the Ctrl key while you click. When you are finished selecting styles, click on the Hide button in the top right corner of the box. Note that the citation styles you choose for your favorites will also be the ones available to you in Word if you use the Cite While You Write plugin.
5. Now you may select your desired bibliographic style from the drop-down box.
6. For File format, select RTF (rich text file).
7. If you click on the Save button, your bibliography will open in Word. If you click on Preview & Print, your bibliography will open in a new window, and you may copy and paste the desired reference entries.