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Global Leadership And Sustainability

About This Guide

This Research Guide is designed to help you with your research; it contains books, databases, and websites deemed appropriate for the Global Leadership and Sustainable Development program.  Due to the cross-discipline nature of the GLSD program, the resources more appropriate for your research depend highly on your focus. This guide is organized by different themes so you can find the most appropriate resources for your topic!

If you have any questions or need further help, ask a reference librarian. 


Start Your Research

Due to the cross-discipline nature of GLSD, most of the Libraries' electronic resources will be applicable, depending on what aspect of GLSD is being addressed. However it is recommended to start your searches in a multidisciplinary database, then move to more specialized databases depending on your focus. Below are the top databases recommended to start your GLSD research.

Organizational Acronyms

Common organizational acronyms associated with sustainability.