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Hawaiian Language

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Welcome to the Hawaiian Language research guide! This guide is intended as an introduction and access point for Hawaiian language resources at the HPU Libraries. You can search for print and electronic resources in our library using HPU Discovery. To access the Libraries' electronic resources off-campus, please logon to

Book mark this guide for easy access to resources!



Hawaiian at HPU

E Ola Ka Olelo Hawaii

Long live the Hawaiian language

Why study Hawaiian at HPU?

Hawaiian is the language of this land and it is the key to learning about the culture and people of Hawai`i.

In language there is life and Hawaiian language is preserved here in these islands by those who learn and make the committment to speak it each and every day.  To learn Hawaiian is to be a part of Hawai`i's rich cultural past and to contribute to its future.

Take a class and start learning more about Hawai`i through its beautiful language. The sequence in the language at HPU begins with HAWAIIAN 1100 and continues with HAWN 1200, 2100, 2200. Each college semester is roughly equivalent to one year of high school Hawaiian.

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The Counseling and Behavioral Health Services (CBHS) department provides FREE & CONFIDENTIAL counseling services to current registered HPU students. Schedule an appointment via email

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Get Librarian Help

Librarians help primarily with the research involved in crafting your assignment. This includes choosing and narrowing a topic, finding resources, and using resources ethically.

Get Tutoring Help

Tutors at the Center for Academic Success (CAS) help primarily with completing your assignment. This includes help with writing or otherwise crafting your work, and providing suggestions on how to improve your work.

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