Dime Novel and Popular Literature"This collection brings together pre-Pulp era tales initially depicting scenes early America, the Frontier, and the West. Ranging roughly from 1860 to 1930 these often serial publications record the attitudes prevailing of 19th and early 20th Century society: including racist, sexist, and ethnic stereotypes. The original works are often highly fragile and digitization is a slow and careful endeavor. This collection includes the precursors to "Dime Novels", known as the "Story Papers", which were often of larger format, as well as the United Kingdom versions, "Penny Dreadfuls". Also included in this collection are Mass Market Literature - containing non-fiction texts, some of which are manifested as textual series - in a variety of subjects - including "self-help" and "how-to" titles, and medical cures. Also included are international Dime Novels - both translations of English originals as well as native creations."