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Chemistry & Biochemistry

How to Format & List the References

General Rules

  • List references in alphabetical order and then chronologically.

  • Spell out only the last names of authors; initials are used for first and middle names.

  • Include only those references that you have actually read and mention in your report or paper.

  • Latine Names, including species names, are italicized, or the underlined to indicate italics.

  • Include the names of ALL authors, the year of publication, and the full title of the paper, article or, book.

  • Italicise the full title of the book and journal.

  • Provide all the information required.

  • Consistent in the manner in which you present it.

  • For more details, check with the following Council of Science Editors (CSE)  Style guide:

    [PDF] How to Cite Sources Using CSE Style- by Phoenix College Library

Print Books

  • When citing a book, you must include;

            the name of ALL authors, the year of publication, and the full title of the book, place of publication: publisher. pages referred to, or total number of pages
             in the book

            (e.g.) Format for a Book: capitalize the first letter of each word other than the, and, or or.

                           Nybakken JW, Bertness MD. 2005. Marine Biology: An Ecological Approach, sixth ed. CA: Pearson Education, Inc.. p. 25-31

                     Format for an Article from a Book: capitalize only the first letter of the article.

                           Thompson, S.N. 1997. Physiology and biochemistry of snail-larval trematode relationships. In: Advances in Trematode Biology
                           (Fried, B., Graczyk, T.K., eds.). CRC Press, NY, pp. 149-195

                     Format for a Laboratory Manual or Handout

                           Biology 13 Laboratory Manual. 2005. Exercise in enzyme kinetics, pp. 16-23. Thfts University, Medford, MA.


  • When citing an ebook, you must include;

    Name of ALL authors. Year. Full title of the book [Internet]. place of publication: publisher; [cited year month date]. pages referred to. Available from: URL

    (e.g.) Format for an ebook: 

             Rollin, B.E. 1998. The unheeded cry: animal consciousness, animal pain, and science [Internet]. Ames (IA): The Iowa State University Press;  [cited
             2007 Aug 27]. Available from:

                          In-Text:(Rollin 1998)     

Print Journal Articles

  • When citing a journal article, you must include;

    Name of ALL authors, Year of publication, Full title of the paper or article, Name of the Journal, Volume Number, and Page Numbers of the  
     Article consulted

  • Journal names are usually abbreviated: acceptable abbreviations are to be found within journals themselves.
    (e.g. the world Journal is abbreviated as J.)

  • Italicise the full title of the book and journal.

           (e.g.)     1 Author
                        Jarrret, J.N. 1997. Temporal variation in substratum specificity of semibalanus balanoides (Linnaeus) cyprids. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 211: 103-114.

                              In-Text: (Jarret, 1997)
                        2 Authors

                        Twombly, S., Burns. C.W. 1996. Effects of food quality on Individual growth and development. J. Plankton Res. 18: 75-82.

                              In-Text: (Twombly and Burns, 1996)

                        3 Authors

                        Woodin, S.A., Lindsay, S.M., Wethey, D.S. 1995. Process-specific recruitment cues in marine sedimentary systems. Biol. Bull. 189: 49-58

                              In-Text:  (Woodlin et al., 1995)

 Online Journal Articles

  • Spell out only the last names of authors; initials are used for first and middle names.
    (e.g. Huxley, R. R., Yatsuya, H. d., Lutsey, P.B.)

  • Journal names are usually abbreviated: acceptable abbreviations are to be found within journals themselves.
    (e.g. the world Journal is abbreviated as J.)

  • Include the names of ALL authors, the year of publication, and the full title of the paper, article or, book.

  • Italicise the full title of the book and journal.

  • When citing an online article: you must include

    Name of ALL authors, Year of publication, Full title of the paper or article, Name of the Journal (Abbreviated) [online]. [Cited date you viewed the article]; Volume Number (issue number): and Page Numbers. Available from: Database name.

    (e.g.) Huxley, R. R., Yatsuya, H. d., Lutsey, P.B.,  Woodward, M.A., Alonso. A. C., Folsom, A. D. 2011. Impact of age at smoking initiation, dosage,
            and time since quitting on cardiovascular disease in African Americans and whites. Am. J. Epidemiol. [Online]. [cited 2012 Oct 16]. 
            175 (8): 816-826. Available from or Academic Search Premier [EBSCO]                 or Available from ScienceDirect. 


* Please be aware that formats are differ from jounal to journal so it would be best to consult with your instructor for formatting your references.


Reference Books (Print)

  • When citing a print reference book: you must include

    Name of ALL authors. Year. Title of the article or entry. In: Title of reference book. Edition. Place of publication [City (State)]: publisher; Volume number, p. page(s).

    (e.g.) Scopes, R. 2002. Enzyme activity and assays. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. London: Nature Pub. Group; 20 v. p. 380-385.

*Order of the elements of a citation, with punctuation, for Parts of Monographs: (p. 29-31)


Referece Books (Online)

  • When citing an online reference article: you must include
    -With Author(s):

    Name of ALL authors. Year. Title of the article or entry. In: Title of reference book [Internet]. Edition. Place of publication [City (State)]: publisher; [cited year month date]. Volume number, p. page(s). Available from Title of Database; URL (Language (e.g. Spa)). Notes. (e.g. System Requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader.)

    (e.g.) Aldridge S. 2008. Gonorrhea. In: Infectious diseases [Internet]. Detroit (MI): Gale; [cited 2010 Jan 26]. Vol. 1, p. 345-348. 
             Available from Gale Virtual Reference Library; System Requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader.

         -Without Author(s):

         Title of the article or entry. Year. In: Title of reference book [Internet]. Edition. Place of publication [City (State)]: publisher; [cited year month date].
         Volume number, p. page(s). Available from Title of Database;:URL (Language (e.g. Spa)). Notes. (e.g. System Requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader.)

          (e.g.) Heart Disease. 2004. In: New Harvard Guide to Women's Health [Internet]. Cambridge (MA): The, Harvard University Press;  [cited 2012 Sep 4].
                  Available from Credo reference; System Requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader.


World Wide Web Articles

  • When citing Internet sources with author(s): you must include

    Name of ALL authors. Year. Full title of webpage [Internet].  Place of publication: Publisher; [date of the last update, if available; cited year month date]. Available from: URL

           (e.g.) Lawrence, R.A. 1997. A review of the medical benefits and contraindications to breastfeeding in the United States [Internet]. Arlington (VA):
                  National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health; Oct [cited 2005 Oct 27]. 40 p. Available from

  • When citing Internet sources with author(s): you must include

    Title of the webpage [Internet]. Publication Date, place of publication: publisher; [cited year month date].
    Available from:URL

*For the latest information on citing Web sources, check with the following Web sites;

[PDF] Internet Formats - by National Library of Medicine - NIH

[PDF] How to Cite Sources Using CSE Style- by Phoenix College Library

Source: Pechenik, J.A. , 2007. A Short Guide to Writing bout Biology. 6TH ed. Pearson, NY. pp. 77-81


How to Cite Articles (In-Text Citation)

1. Do not footnote: use the author-year format unless told otherwise by your instructor.

  • Cite work by 1 author using the author’s last name and the year of publication:

    (e.g. Somero, 2011) or

    Integrate the author’s names directly into a sentence

    (e.g. Kim (2010) demonstrated….)

  • Cite work by 2 authors using the last names of both:

    (e.g. Fraga and Iyengar, 2000)

  • Cite work by more than 2 authors using only the last name of the first author, followed by et al. (an abbreviation for et alii, meaning “and others”):

    (e.g. Tortora et al., 2009)

  • Cite information provided directly by your instructor (lecture, conversation, or via email):

    (e.g. V. Franck, personal communication, Mar. 2012)

  • To cite your laboratory manual by, use the author:

    (e.g. Professor V. Franck, 2012) or (e.g. Biology I Laboratory Manual, Hawaii Pacific University, 2012)


2. If you must cite a reference that you have not read:
   (e.g. Tankersyly, 1995, as cited by Rittshof, 1999).

3. If you cite a review paper with no original data supporting:
   (e.g. reviewed by Furhman, 2004)

4. Try to make the relevance of the cited references clear to the reader.
   (e.g. Temperature tolerances have been determinded for gastropods (Merz, 1988), bivalves and annelids (Heibert Burch, 1998), and insects
           (Merz and Heiber Burch, 1933 a,b))

5. Be concise in citing references and avoid citation redundancy.


Source: Pechenik, J.A. , 2007.  A Short Guide to Writing bout Biology. 6TH  ed. Pearson, NY. pp. 72-76

Sample Literature Cited Section for Books


Source: Pechenik, J.A. , 2007. A Short Guide to Writing bout Biology. 6TH ed. Pearson, NY. pp. 81-82

Sample Literature Cited Section for Articles


Source: Pechenik, J.A. , 2007. A Short Guide to Writing bout Biology. 6TH ed. Pearson, NY. pp. 81-82