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Blue Harvest: Curriculum Support

Curriculum Development Support for Faculty

The University libraries work toward ensuring that its collections adequately support the University's curriculum. Both faculty and librarians work together in the collection development process.

Faculty, with their teaching experience and research interests, have an understanding of the materials needed to carry out classroom instruction and student research.

Librarians, having information skills, holistic knowledge of the collections, access to current reviewing sources and recognized subject area bibliographies and book lists, are responsible for the collections.  Please see Librarian Subject Specialists for more information.

The University's librarians work with curriculum development groups, task forces, academic division committees, and instructors developing new courses and programs in the collection development process in the following ways:

  • Assisting a faculty member, group, committee, task force, etc., with filling out and submitting a Collection Report Request to assess the present state of the collection in a particular subject area.
  • Providing faculty with news about recent acquisitions at academic division faculty meetings or subject area faculty meetings when invited, or through other means of communication.
  • Serving as representatives to the two major curriculum committees of the Faculty Assembly -- Undergraduate Curriculum Committee and Graduate Curriculum Committee.
  • Being responsible, as librarian subject specialists, for the addition of materials in assigned subject areas.