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Once you find books from our HPU Discovery tool, you should make sure that books are available at HPU. If the books are physical, get the location and call number information — access eBooks by clicking on the "View eBook" link.
Note: There are two libraries collections - The Learning Commons and Waterfront Library at our Downtown location in WP 6 302. Only the Waterfront Library has books for check out.
Read the call number from left to right by sections- find the letters first, then the whole number next to it, followed by the letter and number combination, and the year in the end.
Books are arranged by subject using the Library of Congress classification system. Therefore whenever you find a book in the stacks, you may find other relevant books next to it. If you cannot find a book, Ask A Librarian!
The HPU Libraries provide access to thousands of eBooks (online books), so you can read anywhere anytime.