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Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

GIS Topics

Select a tab below to find relevant library sources and search tips for a specific topic.

You can search HPU Discovery for archaeology & GIS resources using subject headings. Here are a few subject headings to get you started: 

Advanced Search Tips: Keyword search for GIS kw:(gis)   Subject search su:(GIS)  Title search  ti:(GIS)

LC Subject Heading: Archaeology--Remote sensing

Variants: Antiquities--Remote sensing

Broader Terms: Archaeology, Remote sensing

su:archaeology AND "geographic information systems" 376+ Books & Articles

su:archaeology AND Data processing Books & Articles

su:archaeology Remote sensing Books & Articles

su:(computational OR digital) archaeology Books & Articles

kw:Aerial photography in archaeology Books & Articles

ti:GEOGRAPHIC information systems in archaeology Books & Articles

ti:Geovisualization AND GIS Books & Articles

ti:Archaeology Data processing OR geovisualization 1500+ Books & Articles


Featured Books on Archaeology & GIS

You can search HPU Discovery for Cartography & GIS resources using subject headings. Here are a few subject headings to get you started: 

*Advanced Search Tips: Keyword search for GIS kw:(gis)   Subject search su:(GIS)  Title search  ti:(GIS)


LC Subject Heading: Cartography

Variants: Cartography, Primitive, Chartography Map-making, Mapmaking, Mapping (Cartography)

Broader Terms: Mathematical geographySurveying


su:Cartography AND su:(GIS OR geographic information systems) Books & Articles

ti:Cartography AND su:(GIS OR geographic information systems) Books & Articles

su: Cartography Computer programs Books & Articles


Featured Books on Cartography & GIS resources 

You can search HPU Discovery for case studies & GIS resources using subject headings. Here are a few subject headings to get you started: 
*Advanced Search Tips: Keyword search for GIS kw:(gis)   subject search su:(GIS)  Title search  ti:(GIS)
ti:geographic information systems AND case studies Books & articles
su:geographic information systems AND case studies Books & articles
ti:Geospatial data Case studies Books & articles
su:Geospatial data Case studies articles

Featured Books

You can search HPU Discovery for census & GIS resources using subject headings. Here are a few subject headings to get you started: 
*Advanced Search Tips: Keyword search for GIS kw:(gis)   Subject search su:(GIS)  Title search  ti:(GIS)
LC Subject Heading: Census
Variants: Census--Statistics, Census of population
Broader Terms: PopulationStatistics
Narrower Terms: Demographic surveysSchool census
su:geographic information systems AND census  Articles
ti:geographic information systems AND census  Books & Articles
kw:"geographic information systems" AND census Books & Articles


Featured Books

You can search HPU Discovery for Education & GIS resources using subject headings. Here are a few subject headings to get you started: 

*Advanced Search Tips: Keyword search for GIS kw:(gis)   Subject search su:(GIS)  Title search  ti:(GIS)

ti:(education AND "geographic information systems") 87+ Books and Articles

ti:(education) AND su:("geographic information systems") 321+ Books and Articles

su:(education AND "geographic information systems") 757+  Books and Articles

kw:(education) AND su:("geographic information systems") 1,700+ Books and Articles

kw:(education AND "geographic information systems") 5,500+ Books and Articles

kw:(education) AND su:("geographic information systems") 1,700+ Books and Articles

kw:(education) AND ti:("geographic information systems") 270+ Books and Articles


Featured Books for Education & GIS

You can search HPU Discovery for "Geographic information systems" AND "Environmental science" resources using subject headings. Here are a few subject headings to get you started: 
*Advanced Search Tips: Keyword search for GIS kw:(gis)   Subject search su:(GIS)  Title search  ti:(GIS)
LC Subject Heading: Environmental monitoring
Variants: Environmental quality--Measurement, Environmental quality--Monitoring, Monitoring, Environmental
Broader Terms: Applied ecologyEnvironmental engineering

kw:"geographic information systems" AND "environmental science" Books & Articles
su:"geographic information systems" AND "environmental science" Books & Articles
ti:"geographic information systems" AND "environmental science" Articles
su:"geographic information systems" AND Environmental monitoring Data processing Books & Articles


Featured Books

You can search HPU Discovery for health & GIS resources using subject headings. Here are a few subject headings to get you started: 
Advanced Search Tips: Keyword search for GIS kw:(gis)   Subject search su:(GIS)  Title search  ti:(GIS)
su:(health OR medicine AND "geographic information systems") 3,500+ Books & Articles
ti:(health OR medicine) AND su:(geographic information systems) 2,200+ Books & Articles
ti:(health OR medicine AND geographic information systems) 387+ Books & Articles
kw:(health OR medicine) AND ti:(geographic information systems) 693+ Books & Articles
kw:(health OR medicine) AND su:(geographic information systems) 5,700+ Books & Articles
su:( "Public health surveillance") AND su:("geographic information systems")
su:( "public health" OR "Public health surveillance") AND su:("geographic information systems") 781 Articles & Books
LC Subject Heading: Public health surveillance 
Variants: Population surveillance (Public health), Surveillance, Public health
Broader Terms: Epidemiology


Health & GIS Books

You can search HPU Discovery for history &GIS resources using subject headings. Here are a few subject headings to get you started: 
*Advanced Search Tips: Keyword search for GIS kw:(gis)   Subject search su:(GIS)  Title search  ti:(GIS)
ti:historical geographic information systems Books & Articles
su:historical geographic information systems Books & Articles
kw:historical geographic information systems Books & Articles
su:Historical geography Methodology Books & Articles


Featured Books

You can search HPU Discovery for marine science AND GIS resources using subject headings. Here are a few subject headings to get you started: 
*Advanced Search Tips: Keyword search for GIS kw:(gis)   Subject search su:(GIS)  Title search  ti:(GIS)
su:(marine science) AND su:(GIS OR Geographic information systems) Books & Articles
ti:(marine science) AND ti:(GIS OR Geographic information systems) Books & Articles
kw:(marine science) AND kw:(GIS OR Geographic information systems) Books & Articles
ti:(marine science AND GIS) Books & Articles
kw:(marine science AND GIS) Books & Articles
su:(Oceanography Geographic information systems) Books & Articles
ti:(Oceanography Geographic information systems) Books & Articles
kw:(Oceanography Geographic information systems) Books & Articles


Featured Books

You can search HPU Discovery for natural resources AND GIS resources using subject headings. Here are a few subject headings to get you started: 
*Advanced Search Tips: Keyword search for GIS kw:(gis)   Subject search su:(GIS)  Title search  ti:(GIS)
su:(natural resources) AND su:(GIS OR geographical information science) 19 articles

kw:(natural resources) AND su:(GIS OR geographical information science) 272 articles

ti:(natural resources) AND su:(GIS OR geographical information system) 1 book & 8 articles
kw:(natural resources) AND kw:(GIS OR geographical information system) 100 books & 23.4K articles
kw:("natural resources") AND kw:(GIS OR "geographical information system") 88 books & 8.5K articles


Featured Books

You can search HPU Discovery for R & Python resources using subject headings. Here are a few subject headings to get you started: 
*Advanced Search Tips: Keyword search for GIS kw:(gis)   Subject search su:(GIS)  Title search  ti:(GIS)
su:R AND Python Books & Articles
su:Python (Computer program language) Books & Articles
su:Computer programming / software development Books & Articles
su:Data capture & analysis Books & Articles
su:Programming & scripting languages: general Books & Articles
su:Computers Data Processing Books & Articles
su:Computers Software Development & Engineering General Books & Articles
su:Computers Programming Languages Python Books & Articles


Featured Books

You can search HPU Discovery for Spatial Statistics & GIS resources using subject headings. Here are a few subject headings to get you started: 
*Advanced Search Tips: Keyword search for GIS kw:(gis)   Subject search su:(GIS)  Title search  ti:(GIS)
LC Subject Heading: Spatial analysis (Statistics)
Variants: Analysis, Spatial (Statistics)

Broader Terms: Correlation (Statistics, Spatial systems

Narrower Terms: Cluster analysis, Nearest neighbor analysis (Statistics), Trend surface analysis

su:(Spatial Statistics) AND (GIS OR "Geographic information systems") 419+ Books & Articles
ti:(Spatial Statistics) AND (GIS OR "Geographic information systems") 95+ Books & Articles
kw:(Spatial Statistics) AND (GIS OR "Geographic information systems") 25,800+ Books & Articles
ti:(Spatial Statistics)) AND su:(GIS OR "Geographic information systems") 72+ Books & Articles


Featured Books

You can search HPU Discovery for traffic monitoring & GIS resources using subject headings. Here are a few subject headings to get you started: 
Advanced Search Tips: Keyword search for GIS kw:(gis)   Subject search su:(GIS)  Title search  ti:(GIS)
LC Subject Heading: Traffic monitoring
Variants: Traffic detection, Traffic surveillance
su:("Traffic monitoring") AND su:(GIS OR "geographical information system") 4 articles
su:("Traffic monitoring" OR "Traffic detection" OR "Traffic surveillance") AND su:(GIS OR "geographical information system") 20 articles
kw:("Traffic monitoring") AND su:(GIS OR "geographical information system") 7 articles & 1 book 
kw:("Traffic monitoring" OR "Traffic surveillance") AND su:(GIS OR "geographical information system") 262 articles & 9 books
kw:("Traffic monitoring" OR "Traffic detection" OR "Traffic surveillance") AND su:(GIS OR "geographical information system")