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Natural Sciences

Books from the HPU Library Catalog

You may add book references from the HPU Library catalog to your EndNote Basic account by using either of these methods: Online Search (within EndNote Basic) or the Capture function.

With Online Search, you connect to the library catalog from your EndNote Basic account and utilize EndNote's simple search interface.  It is quick and easy to use, since you search right within your EndNote Basic account, without having to open the library catalog in another window.  This method also collects the most complete record information, including the call number.  One disadvantage is that EndNote's search interface is very basic, lacking the advanced features of the library catalog.  It is probably best to use Online Search for retrieving "known" items.

With the Capture function, you search the library catalog using its own interface, then use the Capture button in your browser extension to save the desired items.  This method enables you to take advantage of the library catalog's advanced search features; however, the information captured is generally not as complete as when you use Online Search.  You may need to manually edit your references to fill in missed information. 

Adding HPU Library Books via Online Search

Begin by logging in to your EndNote Basic account.  Select the Collect tab, then click on Online Search.  Choose Hawaii Pacific U from the dropdown list and click on Connect.

Enter your search terms in the box(es).  You may specify the field to be searched, if desired.  Click on Search.

From the result list, check off the desired reference(s) and click on the Add to group dropdown to select a group.  When using Online Search, your references will NOT be saved until they are added to a group.

Select an existing group or create a new one.  You may choose [Unfiled] if you do not want to add the reference(s) to a specific group.

The reference(s) will now be available in the specified group.

Adding HPU Library books via Capture

Note that this process is easiest if you are using Firefox with the extension installed and pop-up blocker disabled.


Run your search in the Library Catalog (use Keyword search option or choose other options from the drop-down menu). Click Submit. Click on the title (reference) you would like to save to your EndNote Basic account.

Please note that the Library Catalog does not allow direct or manual exporting/importing so try to use the Capture function for saving references to your EndNote Basic account.

Open a new tab in your browser and click on the Capture button on the top left side of the screen.

If your computer's settings are optimal, you will be prompted to log in to your EndNote Basic account.

The "Capture New Reference" box will appear. Correct or add missing information as needed. 

Click on the Permanent Link located at the bottom right corner of the screen. Copy the permanent URL from the address bar and replace it with the URL already captured in the entries. If you do not select the Permanent Link, you may eperience problems with the link in the future.

Enter a "New Group name" (OR select an existing group) and be sure to click Save to "".

Your references should be saved to the specified group.