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Once you find books from our HPU Discovery tool, you should make sure that the books are held by HPU.
eBooks can be accessed by clicking on the "View full text online" link in each item's record.
If the books are physical books, get the location and call number information.
The print book collection is located at the Library at Waterfront. With your call number in hand, go to the book shelves to find your books. Read the call number from left to right by sections- on the shelves, find the letters of the call number first, then the whole number next to it, followed by the letter and number combination and year at the end. Books are arranged by subject using the Library of Congress (LOC) classification system. This means that when you find a book you may find other relevant books next to it. If you cannot find a book, ask a librarian.
TESOL books mostly have a LOC call number starting with "P." See the full LOC TESOL outline
All books in the library have a call number, which is like an address that tells you where they are located. You can find TESOL books at
BF300 & LB1060 Psychology of Learning & Learning Theories
LB 1025 - LB 1050 Teaching
LB 1705 - LB 2286 Training of Teachers
LC 3700 - LC 3745 Bilingual Education
P1 - P40 Philology and General Linguistics, Philosophy, Theories, and Origins of Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Psycholinguistics
P40 - P100 Second Language (Theories), Communication, Speech, Discourse, Semiotics, Bilingualism, Multilingualism
P100 - P200 Historical & Structural Linguistics, Phonetics, Writing, Language (General), Philosophy of, Origins of, Science of Language & Linguistics, Comparative Grammar
P200 - P300 Rhetoric, Syntax, Semantics, Style
PA - PL REFERENCE ONLY - English and Foreign Language Dictionaries, Style Books, Usage Manuals
PE1128 Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, Methodologies, Applied Linguistics, teaching and learning of specific aspects: Pronunciation, Writing, Grammar, etc.
PE64 - PE2809 This broader range encompasses the PE1128 range and includes all areas relating to the teaching of English
You can search HPU Discovery for resources using subject headings. In the search bar, type "su:" and your subject term. For example, "su:Second Language Acquisition." Here are a few subject headings to get you started:
English language - Study and teaching - Foreign speakers
English teachers -- Training of
Language and languages -- Study and teaching -- Bilingual method