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Physics & Astronomy (PHYS)

Google Scholar Overview

  1. Google Scholar provides a simple way to do a broad search of scholarly literature
  2. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources:
    -articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions
    -from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites.
  3. Google Scholar helps you find relevant work across the world of scholarly research.
    -Explore related works, citations, authors, and publications
  4. Locate the complete document through your library or on the web
    -via Library links: You can choose up to five libraries
  5. Keep up with recent developments in any area of research
    -via Email alert
  6. Check who's citing your publications and calculate your h-index
    -by creating a public author profile

    Source: About Google Scholar

Tips for searching Google Scholar


Before conducting a search, it is recommended to sign in to your Google account and then click on "Settings" to set up "preferences".

Choose different options for displaying of the "Search results". Check off the box if you would like to open a selected result in a new browser window. (this on is in a yellow box) 

Click on the "Library links" to add libraries that you have access to. You can choose up to 5 libraries.

Because the Boolean operator "AND" is assumed for searching in Google Scholar, it is not necessary to use "AND" between different search terms. However, you many want to use the Boolean operator "OR" when serching for related terms or synonyms.

To see the full text, click either on [PDF], [HTML], OR HPU Full Text. Utilize the filters (Custom range, Sort by relevance, Sort by date, Include patents, and Include citations) to refine the results.


Note: You can use the same process to create an "Alert Query" for other topics.

To save a citation of an article, click on "Cite". When choosing the Export option, select "RefMan RIS" format.

To learn more about exporting a citation from Google Scholar, click here.