Do you have a list of article citations from class or want to find some of the articles referenced in other sources? Use the Periodical List to find out if HPU has access to those articles. It would be best to have the full citation information, but if you have partial information (such as article title or doi), you can still try these steps to locate the article.
The Periodicals is an electronic searchable database of all the current periodicals we subscribe to at HPU Libraries. The list is useful if you have a specific title and need to check if HPU libraries has it in print or electronically.
If you are looking for a specific article, you may use Google Scholar @ HPU to search for the full text. Type (or copy and paste) the TITLE of your article in the box below and hit Search. If the article is available in full text (either through HPU's holdings or freely accessible on the web), a link will appear on the right side of the results list.
Please note that if you are off campus and go directly to, HPU's full text links will NOT appear. Remember to access Google Scholar through the library's Google Scholar @ HPU link.
If the article(s) you need is not part of our journal or database subscription, request the article(s) via Interlibrary Loan! Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is the process of borrowing books and/or obtaining periodical articles from other libraries or institutions.
All you have to do is fill out our Journal Article Request form! Pertaining the amount to pay, you can indicate that you want to pay zero (0.00); which will prompt our ILL department to only ask institutions that do not charge.
Once you have submitted the request, our ILL department will be in contact with you via email. Most article(s) requests take from 5-14 working days to arrive.
Below is a link to our Journal Article Request form.