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NUR 6010 (Advanced Pathophysiology): Articles

Resources for NUR 6010 students

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Case Studies

Case Studies, also referred to as Case Reports, present analysis on individual or small group cases.

Case Studies contain:

  • observations and description of case presentation
  • discussion and extensive literature review
  • analysis of the information
  • discussion of the limitations of the study and opportunities for further studies

Pathophysiology Articles

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Database Tutorials

Want to know more about using a particular database? Click the link for the database you want to explore.


Recommended Databases

Databases are search tools (similar to a search engine) which indexes different type of publications (sometimes even media like the case of Films on Demand).

Start finding articles by searching in a multidisciplinary database that indexes periodicals, such as ScienceDirect, then move to health sciences databases.

Finding Case Studies

If you are looking for case studies CINAHL Medline and PubMed are the databases to use, simply select the proper limiters (filters) in your searches.

Use Publication Type limiters; in CINAHL Case Study, and Medline Case Reports.

In Pub Med go to Article Types add Case Reports as option. Then click once more in Case Reports to apply the filter.


About Periodicals @ HPU

The library has access to thousands periodicals (journals, magazines, newspapers, items that are published in a periodical basis). For the most part we have access through subscription packages, others by print subscription and some  via open access.  Generally the most effective way to search periodical articles is by using databases, however, sometimes you may want to search articles within a specific publication; if so you must use the Periodical List. 

If we do not have access to the journal or periodical you need, it may be possible for us to obtain articles through interlibrary loan. 

Note: If you are off-campus, you may be prompted to log in to your Blackboard account before accessing our resources.

Searching in Periodical List

You have the option to search or browse for specific periodical publications. It is recommend to use the search function when you have the title of the specific publication you are inquiring about.

The default search takes you to  journal search type title of publication. Or if you have a specific journal artilce you are looking for click on the article option and fill the form with as much information that you have.