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EndNote Basic: The Cochrane Library (Wiley)

Learn how to use EndNote Basic to manage your references.

Exporting References from The Cochrane Library (Wiley)

Run your search in The Cochrane Library.  Check off the boxes located to the left of the references you would like to save to your EndNote Basic account, and click on Export selected.

Choose the Export type (PC, Unix/Linux, or Mac) and File type (Citation only, or Citation and abstract).  Click Export Citation.

Check that the Save File button is selected, and click OK. The reference file will probably be saved in your computer's Downloads folder.

Open a new tab in your browser and log in to your EndNote Basic account.  Select the Collect tab and click on Import References.

Browse and select the reference file you saved earlier (probably in your Downloads folder).  Select Cochrane Library (Wiley) as your Import Option.  If Cochrane Library (Wiley) does not appear in your drop-down box, you may need to click on Select Favorites and add it to your Favorites list first.  Select an existing group (or new group) for these references, and click Import.

Your references should be saved to the specified group.